CHI St. Francis Health
About CHI St. Francis Health
CHI St. Francis Health is part of the Central Region of CommonSpirit Health. It is a ministry serving the head of the Red River basin, located in Breckenridge Minnesota, founded by the Franciscan Sisters of Little Falls in 1899. St. Francis is an organization that provides a full continuum of health care services. We promote health, healing and community through works of care and compassion. We are committed to a holistic healing ministry and a quality management philosophy using the St. Francis Core Values for its foundation. Our employees and medical staff take pride in providing innovative and high-quality service in a healing environment. St. Francis Health is a part of CommonSpirit Health, a national health care ministry that shares the following mission, vision, and values.
More about CHI St. Francis Health
Our Mission
As CommonSpirit Health, we make the healing presence of God known in our world by improving the health of the people we serve, especially those who are vulnerable, while we advance social justice for all.
Our Vision
A healthier future for all – inspired by faith, driven by innovation and powered by our humanity.
Our Values
- Care with listening, empathy and love.
- Accompany and comfort those in need of healing.
- Celebrate each person's gifts and voice.
- Respect the dignity of all.
- Inspire trust through honesty.
- Demonstrate courage in the face of inequity.
- Serve with fullest passion, creativity and stewardship.
- Exceed expectations of others and ourselves.
- Commit to the power of working together.
- Build and nurture meaningful relationships.